Berry Cacao Truffles

Berry Cacao Truffles

vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free

These fudgy and decadent chocolate truffles made with whole food ingredients are naturally sweetened with dates, rich with raw cacao, full of healthy fats and have a fruity kick! With only 7 ingredients and just 15 minutes needed, these chocolate treats can be easily made in your blender or food processor and can last up to 2 weeks in your fridge…that's if you or anyone in your household can make them last that long!

Makes: 18-20 truffles
Prep time: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: high-speed blender or food processor

  • 180g Medjool dates, pitted

    250g ground almonds

    100g coconut cream (see notes)

    3 tbsp cacao powder, plus more to coat

    2 tbsp ground freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries, plus more to coat (see notes)

    1 tbsp maca powder, optional but recommended

    Pinch of sea salt

    1. Add all of the ingredients to a food processor or blender and mix until a thick, sticky paste forms, scraping down the sides as needed.

    2. Take teaspoons or tablespoons from the mixture (whatever size, large or small, you prefer your truffles to be) and roll into balls in between the palms of your hands. If the mixture is too sticky to handle, add extra almonds and/or cacao powder. Also try use slightly wet or lightly coconut-oiled hands to roll.

    3. Place the balls on a parchment-lined plate to prevent them from sticking. Repeat rolling until about 18-20 truffles are formed (or more if you make them smaller).

    4. Place your coatings: the cacao powder and freeze-dried strawberries into separate bowls and roll each ball in a different coating. This helps to stop them from sticking, intensifies flavour and adds extra texture.

    5. To enjoy, eat right away or for a firmer truffle transfer to the fridge for an hour or so.

    6. Store in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks or store in the freezer uncoated for up to 1 month. Defrost then coat.

  • Nuts

    • If you can’t find a can of coconut cream, chill canned full-fat coconut milk in the fridge overnight. This will make the milk fat separate and solidify on top. Use a spoon to skim the solidified coconut cream from the top. One can makes enough coconut cream for this recipe.

    • Blitz whole, freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries in a blender to ground suitable for coating.

    • Maca powder - not essential in this recipe but recommended for its superfood properties.

    • Get creative with your coatings, try rolling in desiccated coconut, ground pistachios or hemp hearts!


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